
Green Business Switzerland
c/o Schweizerische Umweltstiftung
Anton-Julius-Eggstein-Gasse 3
6005 Luzern


Phone +41 41 420 11 10



Sustainability is a matter of leadership.
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CEOs who inspire!

More and more CEOs are realising that they are in an “infinite game” that does not stop at the generational boundary.


It is about creating value for the future and contributing to solving the most pressing problems of our time. However, the whole thing is not a charity event. Businesses need to make a profit. But they must no longer be subsidised by the environment to do so.


The conflicting goals that arise can only be resolved at the highest management level. That is why sustainability is a matter for the bosses!


The five best CEOs of the Green Business CEO Rating are pioneers of corporate sustainability and an inspiration for all business leaders.

Pioneers: Top-5


It takes responsible CEOs for companies to be effective. A responsible CEO enables the right prioritisation and an effective company enables its effective implementation!


The performance of the CEO and the company are thus highly interdependent. Accordingly, the company’s performance is included in the “Green Business CEO Rating” with a weighting of 66 %. The other CEOs from the top 10 are deliberately no longer published in the form of a ranking. They have all received the top rating.


CEOs outside the top 10 are not published.

Persuer (aphabetical)